Georgia’s Best Fall Foliage
This is the last weekend of Daylight Saving Time, so get out and enjoy the beautiful fall foliage before the shorter days arrive. Bring a jacket with you. There’s a cold front on the way.
After you enjoy the glorious colors of autumn, head home. Snuggle up, light a fire and be glad you’re alive.
Here’s the latest information from Georgia State Parks:
AMICALOLA FALLS STATE PARK — October 24, 2012 — The leaves have been beautiful during our peak season and continue to delight visitors. With heavy golds erupting from our Hickory trees, light yellows shimmering on the Honey Locust, and several bright yellows showing on our Sweet Gum highlighted against our remaining reds from the Sourwood and Black Gum and several Oaks, it’s no wonder cameras are clicking on all of our trails!
BLACK ROCK MOUNTAIN STATE PARK — October 23, 2012 — Even though fall colors at Black Rock are a few days past their peak, and poplar and oak leaves are falling, there are still greens on the mountain that will turn soon.
CLOUDLAND CANYON STATE PARK — October 23, 2012 — The leaves are at their peak right now. There are still enough trees that haven’t completed their fall transitions that there will be plenty of opportunity to see some exceptional colors in the following days as well.
FORT MOUNTAIN STATE PARK — October 23, 2012 — We are nearly at peak! By this weekend, the color should be at its best. The reds of sweetgum and blackgum are really vibrant this week.
JAMES H. (SLOPPY) FLOYD STATE PARK — October 22, 2012 — An overnight explosion brought autumn to us last week; however, this week color changes seemed to have slowed down simply to enjoy themselves. Each exciting color seems to be establishing itself and preparing for the peak that has not come quite yet.
MOCCASIN CREEK STATE PARK — October 22, 2012 — Fall color is showing more varieties of golden yellows displayed on the beech, ash and walnut trees. Red oaks and white oaks are turning reddish brown and are dropping their acorns.
TALLULAH GORGE STATE PARK — October 24, 2012 — We are close to peak color, although there has not been a lot of change in this past week. Oaks are slowly show off their brown colors. Most other trees are engulfed in fall colors for the world to see. One benefit of visiting at this time of the year is seeing color on the forest floor as well as in the air.
UNICOI STATE PARK — October 22, 2012 — Some fall color is showing and we are nearing peak leaf watching. Unicoi State Park is now an autumn wonderland. Many sourwood trees have transformed almost overnight from green to a gorgeous deep maroon, while the oaks offer a subtle contrast with yellow and gold leaves.
VOGEL STATE PARK — October 22, 2012 — Vogel State Park is in the middle of peak color, with some leaves already blown down from the trees, yet some still green and waiting to change. The hickories are now bright gold. The Dogwood, Red Maple, Service Berry, Oak, Sweet Gum, Sourwood trees and many others are all showing colors of vivid reds, oranges/purples inside the park and the surrounding mountain sides. The Beechnut, Eastern Redbud, Green Ash are very showy in their brilliant color of yellow/gold. The Buckeye trees now have full colors of reds, oranges and yellows.