DNR Law Enforcement Report (12-4-13)

DNR Law Enforcement Division ~~ Photograph by Robert Sutherland

DNR Law Enforcement Division ~~ Photograph by Robert Sutherland

Rangers with Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources’ Law Enforcement Division have steady jobs and they wear cool hats.  They get to play with wicked cool lights and awesome sirens, but that’s not enough to make me want to be a ranger.

The latest Law Enforcement Report has several reasons why.

This week’s violations include:

  • Hunting under the influence – Monroe County
  • Hunting with an illegal weapon – Putnam County
  • Additional hunting violation citations – several counties

The Wildlife Resource Division protects Georgia’s wildlife by enforcing laws, rules and regulations pertaining to:

  • game and nongame animals
  • threatened and endangered plants and animals
  • exotic animals
  • boating safety
  • litter and waste control
  • and other natural resource issues.

We appreciate DNR’s efforts to keep the wild outdoors as tame as possible.

Click Here for Law Enforcement Reports