Former Head of Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority Indicted

LAPASeveral news agencies, including the Atlanta-Journal Constitution, the Marietta Daily Journal and the 11Alive website, are reporting that a Cobb County grand jury indicted the former general manager of the Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority (LAPA), Ron Papaleoni, on December 12, 2013, for illegally diverting that agency’s funds for his personal use.

The nine-count indictment comes almost four years after Mr. Papaleoni was reportedly dismissed by the LAPA board in December of 2009.

Mr. Papaleoni should be considered innocent of any charges, unless he is convicted of them in a court of law.  We will bring you factual details from trusted sources as they become available.

The Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority was created in 1999.  The Authority consists of nine members from Bartow, Cherokee and Cobb Counties.

The mission of the Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority, according to its website, is to “provide stewardship of the Greater Lake Allatoona Watershed in order to restore, preserve and protect water quality and uses beneficial for present and future generations.  The Authority identifies and addresses issues impacting the lake and is the repository of the latest information, technology and conditions of the watershed.  We educate, motivate, empower and unify individuals and diverse groups, enhancing personal responsibility and involvement to promote the Authority’s mission.”

Click Here for the Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority’s website