Great Allatoona Clean-Up: 9-28-13

The Great Allatoona Clean-Up is the best way to say, “I love you, Lake Allatoona!” ~~ Photograph by Robert Sutherland
This Saturday, September 28th, come get down and dirty with hundreds of your neighbors around Lake Allatoona for the Great Allatoona Clean Up!
It’s all about getting the trash out of the lake and keeping the shoreline safe.
All you need to bring is yourself (and a few friends). Just wear clothes that you won’t mind getting dirty or wet. For your own safety, please don’t wear sandals or flip-flops.
Gloves and garbage bags will be provided for all volunteers.
You’ll need to pre-register too. That way the organizers can figure out how many people they have to pitch in.
With more than 4,000 volunteers cleaning up 40 different sections of the lake’s 270-mile shoreline, you’re sure to find old and new friends.
From 9 AM until noon, folks will pick up the trash that’s accumulated in the past year. Everyone who helps out is invited to a picnic afterward at Riverside Park (off Hwy 41 at 531 Allatoona Dam Road SE in Cartersville, 30121) from noon until about 2:30. Your volunteer badge will get you into the park for the music, games and presentations.
Spend a few hours on September 28th saying “Thanks, Lake Allatoona, for all the fun!”