Drifters Perform at Road Atlanta

Drifters.  Brings to mind Clint Eastwood westerns and hoboes hopping freight trains during the Dust Bowl.  Or maybe hippies hitchhiking to San Francisco with flowers in their hair.

When I hear the word, I think of the song “Up on the Roof.

There’s a new breed of drifters, grampa: crazoids who drive crazy-powered cars trying to slide, spin and basically go out of control around curves.  And for what, you ask?

Merely fame and fortune.  (I’ll bet it makes finding a date easier too.)

If you’re young and restless, you don’t need motivation to attend Drift Atlanta, May 11 & 12 at Road Atlanta, near Gainesville, GA.

If you know all the words to “Under the Boardwalk” or “On Broadway,” just think back to the times you first taught your kids to drive.  Drifting is what they would have done, if you weren’t sitting beside them … screaming in terror … with your life flashing before your eyes.

In addition to “drive as fast as you can” there are other rules/suggestions for Drifting.  Click Here for Judging Criteria

C’mon, grampa, grab your favorite playmate and head out to Drift Atlanta.

Who knows?  You might even see one of your kids racing.  In the car you gave them for graduation.

Click Here for Drift Atlanta Details

Drifting Video (Beard Braiding is Optional)