Christmas Tree Safety

treeYou’re not going to believe this, but there are websites that instruct people how to put lighted candles on their Christmas trees “safely.”

Sure, it’s maddening to untangle miles of Christmas lights that we swore we’d never schmoosh back into old boxes after the holidays, but it’s safer to go all “Griswold” than to set fire to a dry tree in our family rooms.

Christmas is almost here and the Marietta Fire Department offers residents tips to protect our homeS from Christmas tree fires.

A real tree can pose a fire hazard.  Each year, more than 400 residential fires involve Christmas trees, and approximately 40 people die and 100 people are injured nationwide from these fires.

Safety & Your Tree

  • Place your tree away from heat sources such as from fireplaces, radiators and other heat sources.
  • Make sure the tree does not block foot traffic or doorways.
  • Use only non-combustible decorations.
  • Inspect lighting for frayed wire, broken plugs and sockets.
  • Keep base of live trees in water and check it daily.
  • Turn lights off when tree is unattended.
  • Be sure to remove live trees soon after the holiday before needles get too dry.
  • Keep the stand filled with water so the tree does not dry out quickly.

Tree lights

  • Only use indoor lights indoors (and outdoor lights only outdoors). Look for the UL label.
  • Check lights for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections.
  • Replace or repair any damaged light sets.
  • Also use no more than three light sets on any one extension cord. Extension cords should be placed against the wall to avoid any tripping hazards, but do not run cords under rugs.
  • Turn off all lights on trees and decorations when you go to bed or leave the house.

Tree Ornaments

  • Never place lighted candles on a tree or near any flammable materials.

Click Here for Marietta Fire Department’s Website