World’s Largest Water Slide in Acworth?
OK, I am not going to lie to you. I don’t have a clue if the gigantic water slide at Acworth’s Dallas Landing Park is the biggest one in the world.
For all I know, the Grand Poobah of Rackafrackastan has a bigger one in his dining room. Our kids don’t have to know that. (Just be happy they still believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and that “you know who” is making license plates in the Bahamas, instead of being “you know where.”)
But … this is absolutely the World’s Largest Inflatable Water Slide at Dallas Landing Park! This Mother of All Slip and Slides is 175 feet long and 36 feet tall. That, mom, is longer than Niagara Falls is tall.
The slide is open weekdays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and on weekends from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM from now through Sunday, August 12th. The slide will only be open on weekends from Saturday, August 18th until Sunday, September 9th.
The kids will have more “turn their fingers into prunes” fun than anything a TV or computer can provide.
Daily slide rates are $3.00 for one slide, $5.00 for two slides and $20.00 for unlimited slides. Check their website for special group pricing and restrictions. Please note there is a $5.00 parking fee at Dallas Landing Park.
Life is short. Take the kids to the park this summer. You might have more fun than they do.