West Point WMA Shooting Range Closing


The West Point Wildlife Management Area’s public shooting range will be closed — temporarily — from Wednesday, June 19, 2013 until Tuesday, July 2nd, says the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division.

The Troup County facility will be shut down in order for improvements to be made by workers who would rather perform their duties while not being fired upon by people who think “trigger” is a horse, a “muzzle” is for a dog and a “round” is what you buy for others when you lose your girlfriend, hunting dog, best friend or pickup truck.

By the time the range reopens work should be complete on the replacement of the shooting benches and the renovation of the firing line shed.

Georgia has 18 public shooting ranges (firearms or shotgun ranges) and 12 archery ranges.

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Range visitors should note that most areas require possession of a Georgia Outdoor Recreational Pass (GORP) or other qualifying license prior to use.

Funding for this range improvement work is done by using funds from the Federal Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Program.

Sportsmen and women (sportspeople?) provide more than $30 million each year through the Federal Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Program to fund wildlife conservation in the state through license fees and self-imposed excise taxes collected on the purchase of firearms, ammunition, archery equipment and fishing equipment.  Funds are granted on the State level based on several factors, including the number of paid sporting licenses in Georgia.

Click Here for GA Archery & Shooting Range Info