Support Wildlife in Georgia
Everybody says they want to support wildlife, but who actually has a wild life? Besides, if you had one you’d only get busted, fired, kicked out, sued, disowned and teased by nasty children.
That doesn’t mean you cannot support a different type of wildlife. You can!
Our friendly friends at the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division make it easy for you. You can put a wildlife tag on your car that legally flaunts your love for wild life.
Slap one of these suckers on a beat up old pickup truck with four different-sized tires and drive hotties wild! Results are GUARANTEED!!! (Some restriction apply.)
Three new wild life license plate designs are available in local tag offices. A new process lets the rich-colored images cover the entire plate.
“We are pleased to announce the availability of these beautiful new designs for wildlife license plates,” said Dan Forster, director of the Wildlife Resources Division. “Our hope is that these plates will be extremely popular because their proceeds fund critical conservation work in Georgia.”
Even if there’s zero hope of you ever having your own wild life, there’s still a chance for you to help others Give Wildlife A Chance!
Your Wildlife Options
Trout Chasing a Fly License Plate
- All trout fisherman dream of a trout chasing a fly … in a cool mountain stream, wasting the winnings from a humongous lottery payout with friends named Brooke and Bambi.
- Your dreams will not be answered if you buy one, but every fawn and brook trout will look at you with admiration as they scurry away from you without being caught.
- This is a license plate that replaces the Trout Unlimited logo design. It benefits the DNR’s trout restoration work: conserving, protecting and restoring of Georgia’s trout fisheries.
Quitting Your Job and Fishing All Day
- This wild life option sounds the best, but it really isn’t. Sooner or later, it’s going to rain and you’re going to get hungry and thirsty and you’re going to want to stop fishing for a while (yes, this sounds crazy but it’s true) and you’re going to want to sleep indoors. This is why jobs and earning a living come in handy. Better to keep your job and fish on your days off — after you mow the lawn, drive the kids to their games, help with dinner and the laundry, and feel like a brainless loser when you cannot begin to help your kid with the impossibly hard homework expected of third graders.
Soaring Eagle License Plate
- The soaring eagle tag replaces the eagle with the flag and hummingbird wildlife license plates, which will no longer be for sale. This license plate supports the Wildlife Resources Division’s Nongame Conservation Section, which uses proceeds from plate purchases and renewals to fund programs focused on conserving Georgia’s nongame and endangered wildlife, rare plants and natural habitats, from bald eagles to pitcherplant bogs.
Quail, White-Tailed Deer and Wild Turkey License Plate
- This design replaces the state’s second wildlife license plate, which featured a deer and quail taking flight over a field. This tag supports conservation practices in the Bobwhite Quail Initiative, Georgia’s first and only state-funded incentive program for wildlife habitat conservation on private land. Georgia continues to lose natural habitat for quail, songbirds and other wildlife in part because of the state’s fast-growing population and changing land management practices.
- Please Note: Contrary to rumors, this tag does not allow you to shoot deer or drink Wild Turkey bourbon while sitting in stopped vehicles in parks or on public roads.
Wildlife plates may be purchased for a fee of $60 ($25 manufacturing fee and a $35 plate fee) plus the normal $20 annual registration fee and ad valorem tax – if required. Annual renewal is available for a fee of $35 plus the normal $20 registration fee and ad valorem tax – if required. Vehicle owners who have any of the previous wildlife tags can retain and renew their tag at the specialty tag fee of $35 plus the $20 normal tag fee and ad valorem tax – if required.