DNR Law Enforcement Report (6-18-13)
You see an alligator while strolling around McDuffie County.
Your little yippy dog wants to take it on, tooth to tooth.
You are determining your chances of survival and, in spite of your mother in law, you decide to save your life and run away.
Then what do you do?
You call Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources and ask for the Wildlife Resources Division.
They send somebody out to “relocate” the gator and all is well — unless you live in the county that suddenly has one more alligator.
That’s all part of the average day for Rangers from GA’s Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division.
Here’s more of what they do:
- Over the limit of trout – Murray County
- Alligator relocated – McDuffie County
- Illegal use of ATV on wildlife management area – Troup County
- Boating violation citations – several counties
The Wildlife Resource Division protects Georgia’s wildlife by enforcing laws, rules and regulations pertaining to:
- game and nongame animals
- threatened and endangered plants and animals
- exotic animals
- boating safety
- litter and waste control
- and other natural resource issues.
We appreciate DNR’s efforts to keep the wild outdoors as tame as possible.
Click Here for Law Enforcement Reports