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2015 Dirty Dozen Report Released by Georgia Water Coalition

Free Ways to Celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day

The Georgia Water Coalition published its “Dirty Dozen” for 2015.  Flint Riverkeeper Gordon Rogers wants us “to come together to correct pollution problems, eliminate the wasteful use of our tax dollars and restore our streams, rivers, lakes and coastal waters.” The Dirty Dozen Report applauds the Georgia Department of Transportation for denying Palmetto Pipeline the use of [eminent] domain for […]

Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup Volunteers Needed

The Great Allatoona Clean-Up is the best way to say, "I love you, Lake Allatoona!" ~~ Photograph by Robert Sutherland

The Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup (GLAC) is the best reason to hit the lake with your friends. Any day is good for having fun on the water, but GLAC is when you give something back — by taking garbage out. The Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2015. For the 30th year, […]

2015 Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup ~ 9-12-15

The Great Allatoona Clean-Up is the best way to say, "I love you, Lake Allatoona!" ~~ Photograph by Robert Sutherland

What does it take to get tons of trash out of Lake Allatoona? Volunteers just like you.  People who are willing to give a bit of their time and energy so that they — and others — can enjoy Lake Allatoona and be safe.  Cleaning up Allatoona takes helping hands … and the organizers of the […]